(Two years and two months) since a Kurdish young man was kidnapped, after deciding to return to his homeland

Afrinpost – Special

Islamic militias affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood who call themselves the “Syrian National Army / Free Army” continue to kidnap and hide hundreds of people from the occupied Kurdish Afrin region, in northern Syria, since the first days of the Turkish invasion on January 20, 2018.

In the context, the fate of the Kurdish young man, “Furat Mahmoud Ibrahim,” is unknown since he was kidnapped in early April 2018 by Islamic militias.

According to “Afrinpost” sources, the citizen “Furat” was born in 1993, and decided to return to his home in the village of “Hassan Dera”, of “Bulbul” district, but the occupation militias kidnapped him at the first checkpoint while entering the occupied Kurdish region, and his fate is still unknown until today.

The sources suggested that “Furat” would be present in Al-Raai prison, which includes hundreds of kidnapped Kurds in light of the complete disregard by international human rights organizations of the file of the missing persons of Afrin.

The Turkish occupation army and armed men of the Muslim Brotherhood, known as the “Syrian National Army / Free Army”, in the occupied Marea city, have designated a prison for kidnapees and Kurdish detainees from the occupied Afrin region, by turning a school into a prison.

A private sources have informed “Afrin Post” on the twenty-seventh of last May, that the prison is called “Al-Qal’a/ The Castle”, and is located in the north of the occupied city of Marea, within the “Farouh Street”, where it was a school, and the Turkish occupation turned it into a prison in which Kurds from Afrin are arrested in only.

According to the sources, the prison currently contains hundreds of Kurds who were kidnapped and detained in Afrin, under the pretext of belonging to the “People’s Protection Units” or advocacy of the previous “autonomous-administration” in Afrin.

The sources pointed out that the Turkish occupation practices within the aforementioned prison the most horrific types of torture and criminal practices, whether through physical or psychological torture, by insulting them with verbal abuse, while the prison is run by the “Military Police” militia.

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