“Samarkand” militia assaults two Kurdish women in the village of Kafr Safra, and the Kurdish villagers rise up

Afrinpost – Special

Sources have informed Afrinpost that the Samarkand militia affiliated with the Turkish occupation and the Muslim Brotherhood, on the twenty of this June, used to beat the rest of the Kurdish people in the village of Kafr Safra, of Jenderes district, including women. In the midst of shooting in the air, causing panic among the villagers, against the backdrop of a dispute between a Kurdish child and another settler (the son of one of the gunmen).

The sources pointed out that on the afternoon of last Saturday, a fight broke out between one of the settler children and a Kurdish child, and the father of the settler child, a militant of the “Samarkand Squad” militia, attacked brutally the mother of the Kurdish child, Mrs. Zainab Khalil Khalo, who is (widow) , and her cousin, “Farida Othman Khalou,” who rushed to defend her cousin, which led to the expansion of the quarrel with the arrival of more settlers, until all the villagers rose up and fought hands with the settlers.

The sources added that the militia gunmen fired heavily in the air to sow terror in the hearts of the uprising people, and then they kidnapped the young man, “Masoud Othman Khilou” and took him to the militia headquarters in the village, where he was beaten and tortured for four hours and then released.

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