The Turkish occupation demolishes a displaced civilian house and turn it into cover for tanks

Afrinpost – Special

The Turkish occupation demolished a house belonging to a resident of the village of Ma’arska, to turn it into a cover, while the occupation transferred a base from the village of Maryamin to the village of Kafr Mezza, in the district of Shara / Sharan in the eastern countryside of the occupied Kurdish Afrin region.

The Afrinpost correspondent in the “Shara / Sharan” district reported that the village of Maarska, had witnessed the demolition of the house of the Kurdish citizen “Jwan Adel Toubal”, who had been displaced after the Turkish occupation and its Islamic militia entered Afrin.

The reporter added that after the demolition of the house, the occupation brought Trix and erected a berm, where four tanks were placed there, pointing out that the Turkish occupation had transferred its base from the village of Maryamin to the village of Kafr Mezza, east of Afrin.

The reporter pointed out that the checkpoints from the village of Jalbara to the village of Maarsakah have all become “Turkish”, meaning that all of them are soldiers of the Turkish occupation army, as it is believed that the occupation’s interest in the area is due to its proximity to the positions of the regime forces and the Afrin Liberation Forces in “Shara / Sharan” .

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