The health office in the local occupation council in Afrin raises the prices of medicines 40%

Afrinpost – Special

In the context of its inability to provide basic services to citizens in Afrin, the occupation councils failed in all areas, and perhaps one of them is the least in determining the prices of medicines, said a reporter for the “Afrin Post” in the occupied Kurdish region of Afrin, northern Syria.

Citizens note a large discrepancy in the price of medicines between pharmacies due to the lack of monitoring, and moods control prices.

The reporter pointed out that the examination of doctors has been raised from 2000 to 3000 in various specialties such as general practitioner, gynecologist , and dermatologist.

While the ophthalmologist examination was raised to 3500, while dentist’s reached 19,000 SP for one year. For the pediatrician, the examination reached 3000 and the second visit for 1500.

This comes in the context of the failure of the occupation councils and their inability to repair what the occupied Turkish demolished, while those councils focus on some apparent fictitious “formal achievements”, such as a football field that was ready in Afrin and the occupation only brought artificial turf to it.

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