Occupation Council in “Bulbula” begins licensing individual weapons .. But for settlers only!

Occupation Council in "Bulbula" begins licensing individual weapons .. But for settlers only!

Afrinpost – Special

On Thursday, the so-called Bulbula Local Council of the Turkish occupation issued a decree authorizing the licensing of individual weapons and hunting weapons in the area of ​​the occupied Kurdish Afrin.

The statement demanded that anyone who owns an individual weapon in addition to hunting weapons should be licensed by the newly created Department of Individual Weapons in the Bulbula district, and required that the applicants for the weapons license bring their ID card and a copy of the previous license, as well as personal photos, a medical report and bring the weapon during registration.

The occupation council imposed a tax on the licensing of individual weapons of 35 thousand Syrian pounds, for automatic hunting weapon imposed a tax of 10,000 Syrian pounds for ordinary hunting weapon at five thousand Syrian pounds.

In the context, the correspondent of “Afrinpost” in “Bulbula / Bulbul” stated that the region has been experiencing great security chaos since its occupation by the Turkish occupation, where weapons are spread between the settlers and militants of Islamic militias.

He added that the indigenous Kurds are prohibited from owning individual weapons or hunting weapons, where the Turkish occupation and its militia searched the area and confiscated all individual weapons and even very old ones.

The correspondent pointed to the fear of armed Islamic militias of the presence of even small arms hunting in the homes of indigenous Kurds, for fear of their reaction to the daily violations committed against them.

Following the occupation of the Kurdish region, shops for the maintenance and sale of individual weapons were deployed, opened by settlers and gunmen within the Islamic militias for the purpose of exchanging and maintaining weapons, a trade that the Afrinis did not undertake during the era of “Self-Administration”, which had specialized security services to protect the security of citizens and the safety of their property.

During its reign, the cooperation of the residents of Afrin with the “Self-Administration” formed by the people of the region in the building of security forces were able to counter the Takfiris in the neighboring areas in Idlib and Azaz, despite their attempts to penetrate security and carry out terrorist operations such as bombings or sending car bombs.

But since the beginning of the Turkish invasion in January 2018, which involved more than 25 thousand armed Islamic militias affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Afrinis did not taste the calm, in light of the chaos of arms and sabotage, which aims to displace the remaining Kurds inside the region, and prevent the displaced form returning.

Occupation Council in "Bulbula" begins licensing individual weapons .. But for settlers only!

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